How to Set Up PHP-FPM on AlmaLinux 9

Let’s take a closer look at installing and configuring PHP-FPM on AlmaLinux 9.

1. To get started, install PHP and PHP-FPM using the DNF package manager. So, open a terminal and run this command:

sudo dnf install php php-fpm

2. After installation, check the status of PHP-FPM to make sure it’s installed correctly:

systemctl status php-fpm

If PHP-FPM is not running, start it with:

sudo systemctl start php-fpm

3. The main configuration file for PHP-FPM is located at `/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf`. In this file, we need to specify the user and group under which PHP-FPM should run.

sudo vi /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf

By default, PHP-FPM runs as the `apache` user and group. If we are using Nginx as the web server, change the user and group to `nginx` as seen here:

user = nginx
group = nginx

Then, save the changes and exit the editor.

4. Now, restart both Nginx and PHP-FPM:

sudo systemctl restart nginx php-fpm

5. To verify that PHP and PHP-FPM are configured correctly, we have to create a PHP file in the web server’s root directory.

For example, create a file named `info.php` with the following content:


Save this file in the web server’s root directory (e.g., `/var/www/html/` for Apache or `/usr/share/nginx/html/` for Nginx).

We can access the file in the web browser via the server’s IP address, e.g., `http://server_ip/info.php`.

If everything is configured correctly, we will see a page displaying detailed information about the PHP installation.

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